Saturday, August 11, 2012

Two more studies included!

We added two more studies to our replication battery: Banissy et al. (NeuroImage, 2012) and Lewis et al. (J. Neuroscience, 2012). The data for these replications were collected together with the rest of the data. However, at the time of publishing our Methods and Analyses document, these studies were not published, yet, and could therefore not be included.

Thanks for your interest & stay tuned for the results!

Methods and Analyses - Two more studies

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Advanced Methods and Analyses

Please find the document that makes our replication study CONFIRMATORY below.
It includes a detailed description of all methods and analyses intended for the NINE studies 
included in our confirmatory replication study. Note that we are publishing this document before
any of the data have been inspected or analyzed.  

Please do not hesitate to leave any remarks or comments on the matter.

Happy reading  & stay tuned for the results!

Confirmatory Replication Study - Methods and Analyses">

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Absolute rarities =

Replication studies in neuroscience!!!

Our first project will be a MASSIVE confirmatory replication study.

Details will be posted soon!